The Wheel Tek 2.0 tool is a wheel simulator that will allow the user to simulate a wide range of wheels allowing you to test fit many different tire sizes and combinations on a vehicle. This tool eliminates the need to have many different mock up wheels laying around as well as the need to mount and dismount different tire choices. In most cases tires can be returned after testing because they were never mounted on a wheel. This is a very accurate and valuable tool when choosing tire sizes, custom wheel sizes and back spacing, verifying suspension travel, turning angle, tire/vehicle interferences, visual appeal and any number of other criteria the user would like to see and check.
The original Wheel Tek Tool is being used in some of the most respected builders shops in the country and Australia. If you have questions and would like more information please use the contact form and we will be happy to get back with you.
You can purchase the Wheel Tek 2.0 using the below links!

or click the link below